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Benefit Events

A successful event is about more than just one night.

At Aaron Consulting, we specialize in producing high-end benefit galas. Since 1997, our events have raised more than $100 million for our clients. Whether you are planning a major gala, hosting a private major donor dinner, or creating a special donor cultivation event, we provide the highest level of strategic planning and event management to help your event reach its full potential.

Strategic Fundraising

We provide the right combination of strategic guidance and back-office administration to get the job done. 

  • Develop and manage committees
  • Acquire solicitation lists
  • Set fundraising goals
  • Draft all pitch letters and collateral materials
  • Report to stakeholders and solicitors on updates and call sheets

Event Management

Our event management team handles every logistical detail, freeing you and your staff to focus on critical tasks before during and after the event.

  • Create and manage the event budget
  • Supervise design and printing of all materials
  • Organize all mailings 
  • Negotiate vendor contracts
  • Manage entertainment and staging
  • Scriptwriting
  • Create a minute-by-minute schedule for the day of the event
  • Handle ticketing and seating
  • Manage online and onsite registration

We provide a fully-staffed, virtual benefit office for your event.

  • Create a customized registration website
  • Staff a dedicated toll-free number
  • Produce invoices, receipts, and acknowledgment letters
  • Confirm reservations and collect guest lists
  • Verify donor listings
  • Collect advertising copy for journals
  • Maintain detailed financial records
  • Scan checks and correspondence
  • Make timely deposits
  • Process credit card payments